

Basil & Wallace

In August 2022 we were called out on many occasions to help catch 3 donkeys wandering the country lanes. It’s amazing they didn’t cause an accident or get hurt. They were shy, scared of people, and just ran off whenever we approached them. The mayors of two communes were involved in trying to safeguard the […]

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Fern & Woody

Fern and Woody were 2 gorgeous young donkeys that were abandoned in a forest, just left there to fend for themselves. They were afraid of people and especially the farrier. They had  issues around having their feet trimmed, but we and the farrier  worked very hard to teach them that it can be a kind

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1979-2023 In May 2019 Beatrice arrived here at Heehaws with her friend Bluebelle. She was in a very sorry state. She had lice and was very thin. She also had a skin condition, but with all the HeeHaws care, love, lotions, and potions lavished on her, she soon looked as amazing as her field mates

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DUDLEY 1990 – 2021 Dudley and Dolly, a father and daughter, came here in October 2016,  before HeeHaws evolved. Aged 26 and 6, their elderly owner had Alzheimer’s and could no longer look after them. Dudley arrived with terrible issues with his hooves. They had been very very long and he obviously had bad memories

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Thomas 1980 – 2022 Thomas arrived here aged 42, terribly emaciated but with a strong character and the will to live.  From a life tied to a tree with no grass to eat, he spent his time here grazing in the sunshine, enjoying lots of small regular meals, and was cosseted by all of us

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Rosa 1997-2022 In October 2021 we were called out by an elderly lady whose donkey couldn’t stand up by herself. Once the donkey was helped up, she was strong and OK. She asked if we could help by taking the donkey as she was struggling. We arranged a visit and what we found was really

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My wife Sue ‘dragged me along’ to HeeHaws as she thought it would be good for me to do other things apart from our house restoration. I moaned a bit – well, you’ve got to eh?! – but I secretly love it. The donkeys are fantastic characters, it’s been really nice to get out and

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After taking a break from work recently, I wanted to find something I could do that would still benefit others but without being too stressful for me. Because I’ve always adored donkeys I chose to volunteer at HeeHaws and it’s been brilliant. Loads of laughs with my fellow volunteers (and the donkeys!) and the fresh

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