
In February 24 we were contacted by someone with an incredibly sad story. They got their donkeys, Bill and Ben, (brothers born on the same day to different mums) when they were 8 years old. They had a great life together until one day, after no warning whatsoever, and now aged 34, Ben suddenly died one night leaving Bill bereft and everyone in shock.

With Bill grieving, his owners were very worried about Bill getting Hyperlaepemia which can actually be life threatening. 

Time was of the essence and with no compatible donkey available as a companion for Bill, we decided he should come here and live out his days with our old ladies. Ranging between 35 and 44 it seemed the best option. Bill was transported toot sweet and thankfully after a gentle introduction, everyone is really happy.😊 Even our Bluebelle took to him ❤️ He is a very sweet little donkey and very much loved by all of us at HeeHaws.

If you would like to sponsor Bill click here ❤️

We appreciate any amount that you can donate

Even 1 euro goes a long way!

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0617 301400

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