Basil & Wallace

In August 2022 we were called out on many occasions to help catch 3 donkeys wandering the country lanes. It’s amazing they didn’t cause an accident or get hurt. They were shy, scared of people, and just ran off whenever we approached them. The mayors of two communes were involved in trying to safeguard the donkeys but the owner just wasn’t interested and refused to mend his fences.

Our beautiful Blossom lived at the same place with her foal Harley but kept Harley safe by staying put, even though it meant she had little to no food.

Desperate for food, the other 3 escaped their paddock daily, causing havoc locally! Eventually, we managed to catch them and Violet, Wallace, and Basil spent the next few months in a foster field. We were initially unable to bring them here as Wallace was a stallion. Basil and Wallace are at present, living a lovely life with our fabulous Sandra. They are so happy to be getting lots of hay and TLC. They are still a little nervous but love a scratch and cuddle. Basil is enormous, we even had to buy him a full-size horse’s head collar! It turns out he is 10 and the son of Blossom, so Harley and Violet’s BIG brother!

In a couple of months, Basil and Wallace will make the 5-minute journey to live with Caz and Bob. Caz volunteers at HeeHaws and can’t wait to have 2 beautiful donkeys of her own to cherish ❤️

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0617 301400

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Association No: W241003100