


What can we say, this bundle of lively opinionated fluff arrived here at HeeHaws in August with her mum Blossom. She was born on May 18th, 2022 so was only 4 months old. She was dark brown when she arrived but is rapidly turning grey, like her sister Violet and half-brother Basil. Fast-forward to March

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Fern arrived here with Woody on the 17th February 2022. They had been found abandoned in a forest. A couple of young girls helped them and found them temporary accommodation. After contacting many other rescue organisations without any success or even replies, they contacted us. The situation was now desperate and we felt we had

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 In 2016 there was a post on Facebook about Dudley and his daughter Dolly, who were desperately seeking a new home. Once owned and very much loved and cared for, their elderly owner had developed dementia and, as a result, had forgotten about feeding them or having their hooves trimmed and they were suffering the

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Blossom arrived here in August 2022 with her 4 and-1/2-month-old foal, Harley. Blossom was one of a herd of 5, living in a state of general neglect. The original owner had left her partner and for over a year he hadn’t taken care of them. The fencing where they were had come down and 3

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Beatrice OLD

1979-2023 In May 2019 the wonderful Felicity Taylor at Pegasus in Normandy saved 5 donkeys from the meat man. She initially took them in and then Duchesse and Princesse came here. HeeHaws found the 3rd donkey Charlie a fantastic loving home. Bluebelle and Beatrice stayed with Felicity. Bluebelle, as well as being emaciated like the

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In August 2022 we were called out on many occasions to help catch 3 donkeys wandering the country lanes. It’s amazing they didn’t cause an accident or get hurt. They were shy, scared of people, and just ran off whenever we approached them. The mayors of two communes were involved in trying to safeguard the

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