
Author name: Carina Penny


Princesse came to HeeHaws with her sister Duchesse in April 2019 all the way from Normandy!  It was a difficult journey but they made it eventually. Another donkey sanctuary in the UK called Flicka asked if HeeHaws could take them and save them from a terrible end. Flicka were kind enough to fund the transport. […]

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Perle was born in 2009. She and her mum were owned and neglected by a breeder who passed them on to a lovely couple in 2020. Perle’s mum got quite sick in November 2021 and died 2 weeks later. Her owners had noticed that Perle had a lameness problem but even worse, got really depressed

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Little Mabel arrived here on the 7th of June 2021 with her friend Maggie (we are not sure if they’re related) and 2 others, Betty and Florence. All were headed for the meat lorry. That just doesn’t bear thinking about. Mabel was only 5 at the time and such a quiet sweet soul. It turns

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What can we say, this bundle of lively opinionated fluff arrived here at HeeHaws in August with her mum Blossom. She was born on May 18th, 2022 so was only 4 months old. She was dark brown when she arrived but is rapidly turning grey, like her sister Violet and half-brother Basil. Fast-forward to March

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Fern arrived here with Woody on the 17th February 2022. They had been found abandoned in a forest. A couple of young girls helped them and found them temporary accommodation. After contacting many other rescue organisations without any success or even replies, they contacted us. The situation was now desperate and we felt we had

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