
Fern arrived here with Woody on the 17th February 2022. They had been found abandoned in a forest. A couple of young girls helped them and found them temporary accommodation. After contacting many other rescue organisations without any success or even replies, they contacted us. The situation was now desperate and we felt we had to help. Within no time at all they arrived here, thin and nervous.

Fern was born in 2019 we think, and she desperately needed a foot trim. Her hooves were long, especially the back left one, which had started to go curly. It is taking quite some time for Fern to allow us to trim her feet without having a meltdown. She had obviously had a horrendous experience at the hands of a cruel farrier.  Gareth, as usual, works his magic and Fern now sports much more comfortable tootsies. She is so sweet and very closely bonded with Woody. She loves people and leans in and up for a cuddle at every opportunity.  She also pulls funny little faces by sticking her tongue right out ❤️

If you would like to sponsor Fern click here

About HeeHaws

We are a fairly new registered charity, whose main aim is to help, rescue and care for abused and neglected donkeys.

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