Princesse came to HeeHaws with her sister Duchesse in April 2019 all the way from Normandy! It was a difficult journey but they made it eventually.
Another donkey sanctuary in the UK called Flicka asked if HeeHaws could take them and save them from a terrible end. Flicka were kind enough to fund the transport. They had been loved up until 2012. After that, it became a little dark, and suffice to say they deteriorated to quite a desperate state. They were emaciated, had lice and worms, and were sad, hungry, and in need of a lot of love and care.
A much-needed visit early on from an Equine Dentist revealed that Princesse was in her late 30s, meaning now she is around 45. She is a gentle but feisty old lady that enjoys her food immensely. Two good meals a day all through the year seems to be keeping her a good weight though because of her sway back and a rather angular bottom she always looks underweight. She and Duchesse are always together and can even be seen playing when the sun is shining and it’s warm.
If you would like to sponsor Princesse please click here