If you would like to contact us, please call 0617 301400 or email us at donkeys@heehaws.fr
If you would like to volunteer with us, please give us a call on 0617 301400 or drop us an email at the above email address.
You can also purchase your everyday items online using Easy Fundraising… It’s FREE to use and we receive a percentage of your purchase price!
All you need to do is press the link and Create Account.
If you would like to sponsor a donkey you will receive a certificate and photo of ‘your’ donkey, a donkey magnet and a HeeHaws pen!
Please help us to help these amazing donkeys.
All donations however large or small will make a difference to their lives. Visit our link below for more info.
If you have concerns about a donkey, please call 0617 301400
or email us at donkeys@heehaws.fr