
Billy arrived with Teddy at HeeHaws in the first week of January 2021. In contrast to Teddy, Billy was carrying quite a few fat pads from having too much lush grass, which is not good for donkeys. We were told that Billy wasn’t used to being handled (he had spent 18 years just being left in his field, and only being caught every now and then for the farrier) and was therefore reported to us as ‘quite wild’. He wasn’t wild at all, just terrified of humans.

He has improved since being here and trusts certain people, especially if they have treats! Sadly his fear is deeply ingrained and he needs to gain a lot more confidence before we can look for his forever home. Danielle and Carina are working with him regularly and hope that it won’t be long before he really turns a corner and realises that we humans really can be trusted ❤️

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Even 1 euro goes a long way!

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